Hello there…

Does this new normal seem like anything but normal, and feels more like a roller-coaster ride? Are looking for guidance for how to navigate the ups and downs and feel confident in the future?

Wow, do I hear and feel you!

That was me after the 2008 economic collapse that turned my life upside-down, and sent me on a mission to find myself and fix my life.

It was the beginning of my transition into becoming who I was always meant to be. Everything falling apart became the catalyst that led me down a path I never in my wildest imagination thought I would go. It began the process of becoming who I have now become.

Confident, Fearless & Free!

Hello there…

Does it feel like nothing makes sense anymore? Does this new normal seem anything but normal and you need some answers to get through this wild ride? Are you looking for guidance for how to create a better reality?

Wow, do I hear and feel you!

That was me after the 2008 economic collapse that turned my life upside-down, and sent me on a mission to find myself and fix my life.

It was the beginning of my Holy Shift. Of course, at the time I couldn’t see it as Holy or Shift, just F—d up. Everything falling apart became the catalyst for my personal awakening that led me down a path I never in my wildest imagination thought I would go.

the person i’ve become wasn’t even on my radar.

I had no idea what I was looking back then. I just knew my old world wasn’t working and I needed a new direction. All of my dreams had fallen apart, I was on the verge of being homeless, again (only this time with 2 little ones in tow) and I was lost without direction. I was the last person I could imagine teaching confidence, courage and fearlessness! 

I began walking each morning before my kids woke up and started reconnecting with myself. Once I found my path and purpose it shifted my entire life out of fear and into infinite possibilities. I discovered a passion for writing, teaching, and filmmaking that had never even crossed my mind, and I found the confidence to take risks that once terrified me to even think about.

I connected to my true self,  the. person I was before life broke me.

Before discovering my true-self and my innate, unlimited potential, I had severe issues of unworthiness. My life had been plagued with low self-esteem and just enough confidence to put on a good facade. I’d never had much confidence, but I did have curiosity, tenacity and resilience to keep me pushing forward in the face of fear. I had a pretty traumatic back story to work through before I became my whole, expanded, wildly courageous self. 

I grew up in a fundamentalist, polygamist cult in Montana, experiencing all the drama and trauma necessary for me to learn and teach from. This proved to be a challenge as I moved through the process of freeing myself from attachments to my painful experiences.  As I learned to free myself from the fear-based programming of my childhood it changed everything in my life. I became the confident, courageous, and fearless woman I’d always wanted to be.

This is the basis of everything I teach about becoming fearless and free.

My insights and inspirations are intended to help you find the confidence and courage to create a life of greater meaning and purpose, and to follow your dreams without guilt, worry or judgement, or the other sneaky apparitions of fear-based beliefs. 

All my love to you as you expand who you really are and become who you were always meant to be.

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your journey!

xo, Victoria



Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because I must. It is my calling and purpose to be a voice of courage, freedom and infinite possibilities.

How did I become the person I needed to be to do this work?

Doing my own trauma work, facing my greatest fears and embracing my gifts gave me the wisdom, insights and awareness to help others navigate through their own process of becoming the best version of themselves. 

What work am I proudest of?

The work I’ve done on myself to find and become who I am today,  raising two amazing children while re-parenting myself, and helping others find happiness on their own paths.

What’s something most people don’t know about me?
I am one of sixteen plus children. I say “plus” because I have no idea how many children my dad’s third wife had.
What’s a day in your life look like?

Over the years my typical day has changed.  When I started this work my days began with quite meditation time before stepping into the role of full time mom.  When my kids started school I added part-time messenger to the mix in the few hours I had to myself  Now, they are both young adults and off to college.  I sold the home and now I’m a full-time messenger.  My days still start with quiet time to reflect, write and meditate, and if I can squeeze it in time at the gym.  Then it’s on to client sessions, recording videos, inspirational writing and working on my visions.

What are your hobbies?

I admit it, I’m a bit of a foodie – I will try almost anything twice. I love good food and good conversation. I love adventure. I love to travel, explore, discover new places and meet new people. I find every place I go and every person I meet has something to teach me and I love learning.

Tell Me…

What are you looking for?

Insight and inspiration

Watch a recent episode on Fearless and Free TV where you’ll find advice, insight and fearless conversations.


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Tools and GUIDANCE

Take a peek at the books, meditations, affirmations, programs, courses and sessions I’ve created for your personal breakthroughs. 


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