Victoria’s Weekly Mastermind
Join the Club! You’ll get my latest insights, tips for issue resolution, tuning in to what’s happening on the planet, future predictions, up-to-date adventure stories, and personal experience travel hacks.….
This isn’t like any mastermind or coaching program you’ve ever experienced. Share stories, make friends, and experience personal transformation every week. Only $99 a month.
(includes a lifetime membership to Victoria’s HEART OF FREEDOM Private membership association)
Reverse Your Trauma / Resolve Your Present /Create Your Future
Future proves past. By seeing the future, you can extract the lessons from your past and use them in the present to consciously create your path.
Life Path Coaching is a unique blend of telepathic communication, spiritual psychology, trauma processing, and strategic planning.
As a Trauma Reversal Specialist and Future Path Coach, I use my superpowers to help you create the life you were born to live. I have a gift for reading, remedying your past, and seeing your future path. By telepathically communicating with your higher self, future self, and the higher selves of others and using spiritual psychology, I assist you as you become who you were always meant to be.
What to Expect?
It might feel scary if you’ve never done anything like this. I assure you, there is nothing to fear and everything to gain. I create a safe, loving environment for us to work with.
Every client and every session is unique, depending on your questions and the guidance I telepathically receive as I “tune in” for the answers. Your focus may be on remedying your past or present situations, what I see for your future or a combination of all three. All guidance and answers come through me with infinite love.
How it works
trauma reversal:
Turn your trauma into triumph. Your past exists to power your future. I assist you in turning your pain stories into the power stories that raise your consciousness and drive your greater purpose.
Issue resolution:
All issues are ultimately based on fear. Fear encapsulates the human heart, preventing it from working to its fullest potential and keeping you from reaching your greatest purpose. I assist you in resolving your issues and healing your heart passageways, allowing you to move forward with confidence, courage, and freedom.
life PATH & purpose:
Are you curious about the future and why you are here? I help you gain clarity about your life purpose as a conscious change-maker.
How Long?
One-on-one mentoring ranges from 1-hour sessions to entire VIP weekends. How long you spend with me diving into your past, present, and future is determined by how fast you want to see change in your life.
YOU are your best investment.
“Yes, Victoria, I’m ready to Discover My Future, Reverse My Past and Create in My Present.”
BONUS: Discount on BLISS and LIFT programs (for those who purchase a minimum 2-hour private session).
Includes a lifetime membership to HEART OF FREEDOM, Victoria’s private membership association.
“Victoria Reynolds, from the instant you are introduced to her, you can be assured that something has already shifted in your life. I know firsthand because this is what happened when we first met. She helped me articulate and be reinvigorated about my purpose in life in a whole different way that I had not experienced before. “ – Christine L.H.
“Victoria, I want you to know you were my angel, there at the right time, saying the right words, speaking to my heart and healing a part of me that was needing a miracle. I am eternally grateful.” – Abbigale M
“I’ve used Victoria not only for personal guidance but for business guidance. She is a sage. She really taps into Source and helps you move forward and put you in alignment with your life. What she has done for me is help me to see what I need to be doing in my life, and she even helped me with marketing copy. She provides so much wisdom in so many areas of your life, you will be so happy you found her.” – Janet M.
“A thousand thank you’s… Yesterday was soo much fun and I learned so much. I keep going over it all in my mind. It gave me the insight I was looking for. Feel confident about where I am going in spite of my age.” – Mary Z.