JFK’s Story, Light Waves, Solar Flash, The Plan

This episode is part three a four-part series I channeled in August 2012, In this episode, JFK (President John F. Kennedy) explains how he knew about the new light consciousness that was coming and how his non-physical energy is still playing a role in our collective ascension.
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Voting Day, President Trump – St. Germaine

This message from St Germaine and the Guardians of Light explains what to expect as we head to the voting polls in the U.S., and what to expect moving forward.most recent episodes Watch another episodefree digital book Download your copy of Rise Up You’ll also receive...

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Message from our Mother – There is no Corruption

In this beautiful message from the Mother aspect of Source, (aka Mother God) She reminds us that we are all loved and how those corrupt souls who have attempted to usurp the God Codes are seen in Her eyes.most recent episodes Watch another episodefree digital book...

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