Own Your True Worth

Vital Keys to Living Your Full Value


Unworthiness is the greatest plague on the body of humanity, preventing a vast number of people from living their full potential. Owning your true with means coming to terms with the greatness within you.

This book will help you discover where your beliefs of self-worth come from and how to change them so you are no longer disempowered by issues of unworthiness and deservedness.


This book is for…
  • Entrepreneurs and creatives who love their work and want to make a bigger difference in the world but find it difficult to ask clients for money.
  • Anyone struggling with financial issues and find it challenging to get past, “making ends meet.”
  • Those who are tired of grappling with feelings of inadequacy and suspect there is an inner block keeping them from being of greater purpose.
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About Victoria

Victoria Reynolds has a fierce and infinitely loving commitment to the betterment of humanity and all life on Earth.

As an International Speaker, Inspirational Author and Fearless Guide, Victoria’s books, on-stage talks, camera presentations, retreats and media content are all designed to help others learn to see this wild and wondrous world through new eyes..

In short, Victoria is on a mission to help others free themselves from the limitations of conscious and unconscious fear. She has dedicated her life to helping as many people as possible see their reality from fresh perspectives, and develop confidence to follow their dreams without fear.

Since 2010, after her midlife transition (what others might call a crisis and she sometimes calls her Holy Shift) she’s been teaching inner freedom and helping students create more inspired lives. For her, life is an adventure into self-discovery. Everything she teaches comes from personal experience and intuitive guidance. She teaches grounded insights, fearless practices and practical spirituality.  And yes, she can be a little woo-woo too as she helps to shift old, stale beliefs into new possibilities.

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