Quantum Prosperity

QUANTUM Prosperity

Grow Your 6D Money Tree

Learn how to align your purpose with Universal Abundance.

This self-mastery learning lab is dedicated to playing in the field of infinite creation. It is fun, enlightening and transforming. Students will feel what it means to raise their vibration and alchemize greater prosperity.

Clean up any clutter that’s blocking your financial flow
Raise your vibration to a higher level of prosperity
Gain a greater sense of your soul’s purpose through you

QUANTUM Prosperity Is…

growing prosperity in the Quantum Field and manifesting it into physical realty.  In this program you will learn about Universal Prosperity and how to grow a metaphorical money tree in the etheric field of creation.  This program will assist the alchemical transformation of wealth and cause the Law of Attraction to positively work on your behalf to align your prosperity with the work of your soul.

Your Teacher

It turns out that money really does grow on trees. I started understanding quantum prosperity after realizing I had severe issues of unworthiness. Once I worked through my fear-based beliefs about money the money started growing with grace and ease. At the prompting of what I call higher-guidance I started growing a prosperity tree in my wasband’s office while I was married and a stay-at-home mom. Monitoring it as part of my daily spiritual practice helped me grow our household income. In my physical reality it created a comfortable six figure income. I’ve since received the guidance to teach others how to do this for themselves. 

The idea for this course came from growing my own etheric money tree and seeing how things grow in the field of imagination before they become physically real. I created this course as a home-play program because making money in the spiritual realm is all about having fun and loving what you do.

Quantum prosperity: Growing Money in the etheric (6D) Field

Understanding how the field (womb) of creation works to manifest your heart’s desires.

Learning Modules for growing healthy and fruitful money tree.
Lesson One

Gather Resources

Introduction to the program and class expectations

Lesson Two

Laying the Groundwork

how the idea came to me, understanding the 6th dimension and why we use money trees

Lesson Three

Clear the field

clear out the weeds of belief and money clutter that blocks the energy flow

Lesson Four

Prep the soil

energize the field and get it ready for planting

Lesson Five

Planting and Nurture

how and where to plant the seed and how to nurture it

Lesson Six

Feed and Protect

feed your money tree and protect it from diseases

Lesson Seven

Harvest and Feed

harvest the fruits of your labor and use them to feed for purpose projects

Lesson Eight

Be The Tree

raise your vibration to magnetize money into your physical reality

Lesson Nine

Create a New Reality

Use what you have learned to plant a forest of trees

Bonuses You’ll Love

Each module in this 9 Module program includes: Video Teaching, Printable Home Play Assignments and Soulular Integration Mp3.

Bonus One

Clearing & Protection MP3

Bonus Two

Own Your True Worth Guidebook

Bonus Three

Private Facebook Group for heart-storming, Q&A, money mantras

Bonus Five

Weekly Money Mantras + FREE 4-part introductory video series

How it works

The 6D Money Tree Method is a self-mastery home study course you can take with you wherever you go. It includes a video series you can watch on your portable device. It also includes PDF and printable home pay assignments along with an interactive Facebook group where I interact with regular updates, moderate the group and answer questions. While this is a home study course I’m not abandoning you to do it all by yourself.

This is for…


Those who are aware of multiple dimensions of consciousness and are looking to ascend into higher realms.

Spiritual newbies who are open minded enough to challenge their sense of wonder and let go of outdated beliefs.

Sign up Today

Only $197.00

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