Over the years since I began my own journey into spiritual discovery and what it means for me, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting other like-minded and like-hearted women who use their past pain experiences to impact the world with the lessons they have learned along the way.
One of those women is a television show producer in Northern California named Rebecca Kimbel. Last summer I spent a week with Rebecca, sharing hours each day interviewing and talking between interviews. Like me, Rebecca grew up in the A.U.B., a Fundamentalist Mormon cult not affiliated with the official Mormon Church.
During our week long conversations, some on camera, and some off, we talked about everything from polygamy and women’s rights to religious abuse and recovery. Most of all we talked about the healing process and the limitless joy that comes with following your own truth and trusting your own path. Described this way it might sound a little boring, but most of our time on camera involved a lot of laughing and insightful conversation.
It’s definitely not boring if you are into that sort of thing.
Rebecca sent me a stack of CD’s with our interviews for me to upload onto You Tube. I put the polygamy interviews on my Polygamist’s Daughter You Tube and all of the rest on my official Victoria Reynolds You Tube channel.
I’ve sorted them into an easy playlist of television interviews (a few are interviews other than with Rebecca) for you to follow and keep track of.
7 of the videos are based on the principles in my Transcending Fear book, so they are a nice little bonus for you readers out there.
Each video is a teaching video of approximately 28 minutes and have been edited for television episodes. So, grab a cup of coffee, head to my You Tube channel, and get ready for some witty banter conversation and heart-centered learning.
Until next time, be Fearless, Fabulous and Free!