It’s official, I’m back in the public speaking and on-camera race.
A couple of years ago I decided to step off the big stage and away from the camera to focus on finishing a few book projects, up-leveling my leadership skills and laying low with my family. Braces helped to solidify that decision !
My smile needed a face-lift. In the beginning I really believed having braces wouldn’t change any of my public appearances. Boy, was I wrong! Sure, the porcelain brackets looked okay on camera and from a distance on the stage, but, I quickly discovered that even a short speech or video segment, turned the inside of my mouth into veritable hamburger. OUCH!
Whew, I’m glad my reemergence into adolescence is over.
The braces have come off, bone-grafting surgery is complete, the stitches come out today, and while I still need implants and some fine-tuning, I feel like a new woman with a whole new smile.
I need a smile that’s going to last me at least 50 years. That’s right, I’m just getting started…
This spring I’m running a marathon, heading toward the World Champion of Public Speaking. I’m also on the final stretch of becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster, a leadership program that isn’t for the faint of heart. I’m taking on a new role in the world of media and entertainment, (details on that after I have confirmation) and I’m heading back to the big stage for keynotes, teaching and storytelling.
Teaching, live from the stage and camera, is where my heart feels most alive!
My smile isn’t the only thing getting a face-lift. My brand is getting a face-lift as well. It too is a process and not a quick-fix, so if it looks a little wonky, it’s because it’s mid-birth. Although I am re-branding, the purpose remains the same, to help you heal your pain story and use it to empower a greater purpose in your life.
The purpose behind everything I do is to help you tell a better story about where you have been, what you have experienced and where you are heading. What exactly that will look like is still unfolding.
Life is all about trusting the process.
What the world needs now, more than ever before, are Better Stories Worth Telling™, stories that inspire others to take a stand for something greater within themselves and take a stand for something better for humanity.
We need stories that are real, raw… and true. Yes, telling these stories often takes tremendous courage, and that is what I hope to inspire in you.
Be Bold – Have Courage – Speak Your Truth
Your truth will set you free!