I know it’s been a very long time since I posted on my blog. I’ve been cocooning and leaning into what’s next. I finally took the leap of faith and jumped with both feet into my higher purpose.
For far too long I was attempting to be someone I’m not. I followed the “shoulds” even when I recommended to other’s not to should on themselves. The “should” was that if I wanted to be a successful author I “should” have programs to sell and I “should” be a coach. I invested way too much money in branding gurus and coaching experts to figure out how to be a coach, even when everything inside of me told me that’s not who I was.
The experience was a valuable learning experience as everything always eventually is. It turns out that coaches, authors and healers are a big part of who I am here to serve. I wouldn’t know how to best serve them if I hadn’t had the experience of being one. I call them Transformation Messengers and they are vital to healing the broken heart’s of humanity.
One thing it took me long enough to learn is that if it’s too hard, it isn’t meant to be.
I was trying too hard to push through doors and brand myself as the “go to” guru, because that’s what I was told I “should” do. A couple of years ago I quit trying and focused on family, finishing up a few more books (watch for those coming soon) and get really clear on my direction. I started letting go of everything I didn’t need. Bags and bags of clothing, home decor, office supplies, people… yes I even let go a few co-dependent relationships I didn’t even know I had.
Then I started to really understand what surrender means. I gave up everything that didn’t align, even when it hurt to let go. I started being and allowing, and with that came a sense of peace. What I find really interesting is that once I stopped coaching and just allowed what’s next to come in, life began flowing with greater ease. That grace and ease is how I know when I’m on path.
Synchronicity is the magic of the universe and when it’s right, it just is.
Back in 2011 a received a wake-up call at 4:00 in the morning. It was a call from my inner voice telling me I needed to make a movie about polygamy. It was a wake-up call into being who I’m really here to be, it just took me a while to finally understand. Polygamy, that was easy, it was ingrained in me from birth, but I knew nothing about the film industry. I decided to trust my inner voice and started learning what I needed to know, not even sure why I needed to know it.
Fast forward to now. The polygamy movie still sits on the cutting room floor, but what I’ve leaned is so much more. The film industry, making movies is where I’m intended to be. Every time I start working on a film project it comes together like magic and when I’m pursuing anything else the process is long and hard. Lesson learned! It took me long enough.
Follow the magic and see where it leads.
On that note, I’m working on a movie about homelessness. It’s a passion project for all of us working on it, as we have all experienced homelessness ourselves. We want to tell this story in a way that is beautiful, artistic and compelling – not just a bobbing heads documentary. We are making a film that serves the greatest good for humanity. You can learn more about the “PEARL” project and the movement to end homelessness HERE. You can also checkout the Facebook and IMDB pages.
It takes a community to create real and lasting change. You can be a part of the changing by helping us fund this very important film. Here is the link for the Seed & Spark campaign.
“Giving is the new getting” – Michael Beckwith
Thank you for being the light that you are and for trusting your own path,
Until next time, Be Bold, Be Fearless & Speak Your Truth!